Native Creation

The Metaverse for Artists

November 12, 2021
Metaverse for Artists

The use of the metaverse and online gallery spaces is gaining popularity among artists, providing a new platform for showcasing and selling their work.

The term “metaverse” was coined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson in his 1992 novel Snow Crash, where it refers to a virtual reality world that is built on top of the real world. In the context of art, the metaverse allows artists to create and exhibit their work in a virtual environment, providing a new level of immersion and interactivity for viewers.

Online gallery spaces, on the other hand, refer to websites or platforms that provide a virtual space for artists to display and sell their work. These spaces can range from simple online portfolios to more complex virtual galleries, where viewers can interact with the art and the artist in real-time.

For example, the virtual world of Second Life was a popular platform for artists, providing a wide range of virtual galleries and exhibition spaces. These spaces allow artists to create and display their work in a virtual environment, providing a unique and engaging experience for viewers.

One of the key advantages of online gallery spaces is their ability to provide a new source of revenue for artists. These virtual platforms allow artists to sell their work directly to viewers, without the need for a physical gallery or art dealer.

Key benefits of using the metaverse and online gallery spaces is the increased accessibility and reach for artists. These virtual environments allow artists to exhibit their work to a global audience, without the limitations of physical location or gallery space.

Additionally, the use of these virtual spaces also provides new opportunities for collaboration and interaction between artists and their audiences. For example, artists can host virtual exhibitions and events, allowing viewers to experience their work in a more immersive and engaging way.

Furthermore, the use of online gallery spaces can also provide a new source of revenue for artists, as they can sell their work directly to viewers through these virtual platforms. This can be especially beneficial for emerging artists, who may not have the opportunity to showcase their work in traditional galleries.

However, the use of the metaverse and online gallery spaces also raises some challenges and concerns. For example, there are questions around the ownership and control of virtual artworks, as well as the potential for piracy and fraud in these virtual environments.

Additionally, there are also concerns about the potential impact of these virtual spaces on the traditional art market, as galleries and art dealers may be disrupted by the rise of these new business models.

Despite these challenges, the use of the metaverse and online gallery spaces is a promising development for the art world, offering new opportunities for artists and audiences alike. As the technology continues to evolve and improve, these virtual environments have the potential to provide a more accessible and engaging platform for showcasing and selling art.

To create an online gallery on Vatom metaverse platform, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Vatom website and create an account.
  2. Once you have created an account, you can access the Vatom dashboard, which allows you to create and manage your virtual assets.
  3. To create your online gallery, click on the “Create” tab and select “Gallery” from the list of asset types.
  4. You will be prompted to enter a name and description for your gallery, as well as a thumbnail image to represent it. You can also customize the appearance of your gallery by choosing a background image and color scheme.
  5. Once you have created your gallery, you can start adding artworks to it. To do this, click on the “Create” tab again and select “Artwork” from the list of asset types.
  6. You will be prompted to enter a name, description, and image for your artwork, as well as a price if you want to sell it. You can also specify the quantity of the artwork available, as well as any additional details or keywords.
  7. Once you have created your artwork, you can add it to your gallery by clicking on the “Add to Gallery” button and selecting your gallery from the list.
  8. You can repeat this process to add multiple artworks to your gallery. You can also use the Vatom dashboard to manage and organize your gallery, as well as track sales and interact with viewers.
  9. Finally, once you have created your gallery and added artworks to it, you can share it with others by sharing the unique URL for your gallery. This will allow viewers to access your gallery and interact with your artworks in the Vatom virtual world.
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Rick Canfield

A postgrad with an M.S. in Media Management and a marketing producer from the SW with over 20 years of media development experience. Gives talks on the metaverse & digital anthropology.

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